Stegobean Studio

Stegobean Studio

Hi there! Welcome to the home of Stegobean Studio!



To be announced soon…



Sorry, nothing here right now.

Check out past exhibitions below!

Don’t Put Me in a Box

“Don’t Put Me in a Box” is an animation by Ollie Hartland that deconstructs the concept of gender.

Society expects everyone to fit into one of two categories and never deviate from them. This is not only harmful to everyone who doesn’t fit into the gender binary, but also those within it. It is wrong for anyone to be told who they should be.

Break free from the box!

  • "Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness"

    -Alejandro Jodorowsky

  • "Anybody with artistic ambitions is always trying to reconnect with the way they saw things as a child"

    -Tim Burton

  • "I don't know where i'm going from here but i promise it won't be boring"

    -David Bowie

  • "Art should comfort the disturbed, and disturb the comfortable"

    -Cesar A. Cruz